100 Days of Blogging, the #100DayProject

I have been following Elise Blaha Cripe for many years now and have seen over the years how she has taken on a lot of different goal-setting challenges and they are always incredibly inspiring. I also read her book on goal-setting a few months ago, and then read it again recently (I’m kind of a fan girl, it appears.) One of my favorite projects she has done over the years has been her #100DayChallenge projects. They come in the spring when inspiration is high but there’s no “real reason” to tackle anything (it’s not January, or the start of a new school year, for example) - but it’s amazing what you can accomplish when you stick to something for 3+ months.

I’ve known this whole spring that I wanted to participate in this challenge and set some new goals for myself, but wasn’t sure exactly what I would do. I thought about 100 videos, 100 swatches, 100 quilt squares, 100 mending projects (only mostly kidding on that one, looking at my mending pile right now), 100 days to finish my level one master knitter project, 100 more hexipuffs, but they all seemed too involved in one specific area. I am loving having some extra creative energy right now and want to be able to bounce around between sewing, stitching, knitting, dyeing, quilting, cooking, and more over the next 100 days and while we are still self-quarantining, without guilt or feeling like I am “supposed” to be doing something else.

Blogging more regularly is something I’ve wanted to find a rhythm for a long time, and blogging every day for 100 days? It seems big enough to be a little afraid to commit to, but manageable enough that I don’t need any additional supplies, materials, or training to do it. It won’t take me hours every day, and is something I can do at home. And, it will encourage me again in my photography, which I have realized recently I have really been missing since I sold my DSLR camera a few year ago. I’m not planning any particular content right now that would break the mold of what I’ve already been writing here, but I am open to new ideas and inspiration as this progresses. If you have seen any other cool blog projects or 100 day projects related to what I’m working on, I’d love to see them!

I’m really excited to see how these next 100 days will go and what I will have learned when I write my last post of the challenge on July 16. I hope reading this blog will become a loved daily ritual for you also as you follow along!