the month of march

Radio silence in March was not something I was anticipating! It was a much busier month than I was clearly prepared for, but for many good reasons. I've been going through some professional transitions, and the Mr. and I found out that we'll be here for his residency training at the University of North Carolina. We're ecstatic! We are also in the process of looking for a home to buy, and the market has been one of the craziest our realtor has ever seen. It's caused a lot of anxiety and feelings of uncertainty and has been VERY time consuming! 

During all of this we also got to take a half-week mini vacation to NY, which was so so wonderful. We ate our way around Brooklyn and Manhattan and managed to make it to Brooklyn General Store and Purl Soho (pure magic). Being a long-time follower and fan of the blog, it was so great to see a lot of the samples up close and personal, and the ladies there were so nice. Of course, I came home with yarn, including some of Brooklyn General's own NY raised Brooklyn Barnwool, and Purl's Worsted Twist and new Linen Quill (it's so wonderful). I also got to meet the wonderful, talented, lovely Gina Rockenwagner for brunch one day, she's been an IG crush of mine for a long time and I have loved getting to know her! 

As much as you can anticipate certain seasons being times of transition, there's only so much you can do to prepare for them. We are definitely in one of those seasons and I hope you can be patient with this blog of mine while we're figuring it out. Lots of wonderful things are ahead for this business and I can't wait to share them with you. 

a little crafty stop

Every year, unintentionally, the Mr. and I have made it to Nashville for Labor Day weekend. We met there, went to school there, fell in love there, and still have some great friends who live there, and the more time we can get there the happier we are. So three day weekends always seem like a good choice, of course!

It's been so fun ever since we moved away three years ago to see how the craft scene there has been growing so much. My favorite yarn store while I lived in the city was Haus of Yarn, but it seems like every time I visit there are more fun places to go. The downside of flying in this trip, naturally, was that we were car-less the whole weekend, so I didn't quite get everywhere I wanted to go (see: Craft South, Hey Rooster) but one day we managed to get over to East Nashville and putzed around this really sweet area around Fatherland Street where we found Nutmeg!

Nutmeg is the cutest, most petite little craft store ever. Despite its small square-footage, she had so many yarns and fabrics that I was dying over, even some of the new dyed Moeke yarns! I've also been curious about Lettlopi since Tolt Yarn & Wool started carrying it in their online store, so it was fun to be able to feel that in person. Ultimately, I landed on a yarn I've been coveting for many moons...Brooklyn Tweed Loft. The woolen-spun nature is hard to describe but subtly different than any worsted-spun yarn I've ever felt, and was actually a lot softer than I was anticipating. Usually I find that when someone describes their yarn as "rustic", it means stick to outerwear when you're knitting it. I was delighted to find that was not the case. I'm thinking maybe it's destined to be Anisos or Rakke? Definitely lace. Definitely, definitely lace. 

Anyways, Meg is the sweetest proprietress and just from being in there for a little while you could tell she really loved her community and that her store was so welcoming to everyone. I definitely recommend you go check her out if you find yourself on the trendy side of the tracks in Nashville.